Chapter Four - Fonda
Author's Note: Kylie and Alyssa are from Duel Links.

Laboured breaths and moans filled the dorm room. The sound of sweaty flesh smacking against sweaty flesh soon followed. A heady, musky scent wafted through the air and permeated in the sheets. Sweat dripped down Jaden’s back as he railed into his latest ‘hopefuls’, two Obelisk Blue girls named Alyssa and Kylie.
Alyssa was a slender girl with brown hair that was usually tied into a high ponytail. She was part of the tennis team and had some sort of rivalry with Harrington Rosewood. She and Jaden had met during class while Harrington asked for a rematch with him after hearing the rumours about him and Alexis. Alyssa asked what kind of rumours. The other tennis player simply ran off while Jaden admitted to having an open relationship with the Queen of Obelisk Blues and a few other girls in the Academy. She immediately showed interest and dragged him into the girls’ showers while the lessons still went on.
Something to do with wanting to test his stamina... Or at least, that was the excuse she used to justify getting fucked under the lukewarm water in the open showers. He fucked her against the foggy stainless steel barriers and left foggy imprints on the smooth metal once they were done.
Kylie, an energetic girl with grey-blue hair in a side ponytail, was a friend of hers. This was the first time that they had met. When Alyssa asked if they could meet up in her room, Jaden was surprised to see another girl there. Apparently, she had just had a bad break up with her boyfriend of two years and needed a pick me up. She also had an incredibly cute and round ass that Jaden couldn’t get enough of.
Both girls were on their hands and knees atop the creaking bed. The bedframe slammed against the wall in front of them with each thrust.
The three of them had just finished a long, extended cock sucking session that left Jaden empty and gasping for air by the time Kylie had her fill of him. Jeez, how could her ex leave her if she had some serious skills like that? She had managed to take him to the very base with her nose burying itself in his bush. Her tongue teased the tops of his twitching balls as she sucked around him hard. Alyssa wasn’t as skilled when it came to blowjobs but she was eager to try to keep up with her friend by sitting on his face or suckling on his balls. She was all over the place.
Now, he had the two girls stand next to each other on the mattress. He was currently railing Kylie and watching her booty bounce and ripple against his pelvis. She howled in delight as his cock scraped against her sensitive walls.
Jaden Yuki was the best fuck she had ever had! There was no way that her shrimp dicked ex boyfriend could come crawling back to her and she’d take him back after this! Jaden’s cock hit all the right places in just the right way! It was like having the perfect key for every lock, judging by how hard Alyssa had gushed about him. For good reason too!
Beside her was her friend and was currently having her pussy played with by Jaden’s dominant hand. It slid up and down her slit, sloppily teasing her as he tried to focus on giving the both of them attention. He dipped forward and circled her stiff clit. She cried out as she fell forward, her perky tits squishing against her mattress as her pert butt stuck right up in the air. She panted like a dog as Jaden continued to circle and prod the bud of nerves. His thumb, while not nearly as long, circled around her entrance before dipping inside. He couldn’t get in very deep but it was more than enough to make the brunette cream around his fingers. Frothy white fluid gushed onto his digits. He was so used to girls who squirted when they came that he nearly forgot that some of them creamed. It was a surprise but hardly an unwelcome one. He toyed with her for a little longer before dropping his hand and focusing on Kyle.
His balls slapped against her dripping wet cunt. The sensation of her coarse damp pubic hair against his nuts was a strange one but one he didn’t mind. It made things feel more... primal. It reminded him that she was ready for breeding. With how slick and sticky her juices were, something told him that she was even more ready than he could have ever imagined. He swung his hand to the front of her and toyed with her clit. His fingers were a blur on her pearl as he slammed harder into her. His thrusts were clumsy and erratic but she didn’t seem to mind at all! High pitched squeals of pleasure bounced off the walls as his cock kissed her cervix. Soon, she came.
The brunet huffed and puffed above her as her spasming cunt milked him dry. He fully sheathed himself inside her and let out his third—maybe fifth, he wasn’t sure anymore—nut of the day. His eyes rolled back as he felt lightheaded and... collapsed on top of Kylie.
“Ow! H-hey, J-Jaden?”
“Are you alright?”
“Jaden!” The last thing he heard before passing out was Yubel calling his name.
When Jaden awoke, the burning light of fluorscence burned into his retinas. He hissed as he sat up. The crinkling of paper and starchy sheets seemed to echo in the room. He blinked then looked around. The nurse’s office. The clacking of high heels against the floor was soon followed by a curtain sliding open.
Fonda Fontaine, the head nurse of Duel Academy, gym and health teacher and the headmistress of the Obelisk Girl Dorm. An incredibly beautiful woman who tended to keep to herself despite her cheerful energy. Outside of his gym classes, Jaden rarely had to come in and see her. Part of him back in his first year thought about sneaking off to the office and taking a nap in the beds... before he realized that’d be a lot of work. So, he settled for just sleeping during class like usual.
The redhead sighed and gave him a smile. “How are you feeling?”
“...Alright,” he answered as he went to push his hair out of his face. He felt a weight in his right hand and grimaced when he saw a tube sticking into the top of his hand. “What the? What happened?”
“You were incredibly dehydrated, Mr. Yuki! I also found that you were completely exhausted and possibly undereating. Normally, you’re so full of energy...” She sighed once again and crossed her arms in front of her ample bosom—Jeez, she might’ve been bigger than Alexis when he thought about it. “Though, I suppose things change. I wouldn’t blame you for... picking up some unhealthy habits after what happened last year.”
Almost on cue, Yubel faded into his vision and crossed her arms as well. A worried look was on her inhuman face as the two of them listened to Ms. Fontaine. The nurse sat on the edge of the bed and looked him in the eye. “What’s going on, Jaden?”
He shifted in the bed before laying flat on his back. “It’s... It’s personal.”
“I am a licensed counsellor as well. Everything that we talk about inside these office walls is purely between us, Jaden. I won’t force you to talk but... please know that I’m here.”
Yubel nudged him in the side. “You can be honest. I am worried about you too, Jaden. I... I apologize if I’ve been pushing you too far with this harem business. If you wish to talk with the nurse, I can leave for a while to give you privacy.”
Jaden shook his head. “It’s fine... Alright, Ms. Fontaine...” He dropped his story, starting from what he knew about his past life and how it tied with the events of his third year, his powers and then the situation with the concubines. He threw his arm over his eyes and sighed. “Look, I don’t blame ya if you think I’m messin’ around but...”
The older woman chuckled. “It’s hardly the most... unrealistic thing that has happened on this island, don’t you think? Alright, I think I see the problem. You are burning too many calories too fast and not refuelling or rehydrating. If you’re going to keep up with this... new life style of yours, you need to eat more nutritious foods and drinks.”
Jaden scratched the back of his neck. “Th-thanks for understanding, Ms. Fontaine. I’ll get out of your hair...”
“I say you should stay here for the rest of the day and rest up. At least until the IV bag is empty,” she said before slipping behind the curtain and heading to a small fridge by her desk. She pulled out a glass bottle before going to the small kitchenette on the opposite side of the room. She placed the bottle into a pot of water that sat atop the stovetop and let it warm. She pulled out a mug and dropped a few powders into the cup before grabbing the now warm bottle and pouring the milky substance into the cup. Carefully, she brought the mug into the curtained off area where Jaden sat. “I... I have a special drink that can help reenergize you if you’re really that desperate to leave earlier.”
He took the steamy mug and stared at the concoction. It didn’t smell or look back. A faint sweet smell wafted into his nostrils as he watched the milky liquid spin in the cup. “....What is it?”
Fonda sighed. “Milk and a few dried medicinal roots. I drink it myself when I’m pulling all nighters... something you shouldn’t do. You need plenty of rest. You may be graduating soon but are still growing, Mr. Yuki. Go on, drink up.”
Satisfied that it wasn’t going to kill him or taste foul, he tipped his head back and pounded back the drink. It was indeed milk. A sweeter, creamier milk than he was used to. He licked his lips as he placed the cup on the nightstand beside the bed. The warm fluid rushed down his throat and into his stomach. It was comforting and nostalgic in a way that he didn’t quite understand. Jaden just knew that he liked it and... kind of wanted more.
Suddenly, his pants felt incredibly tight. He shifted in the bed and then noticed how hard he was. His cock strained against his boxers—he guessed that the girls had put those back on to spare his dignity but had trouble with his pants— and the thin sheet on top of him and formed an incredibly tall tent!
“Jeez, I’m so sorry—”
Fonda gulped at the sight and shook her head. “You have nothing to apologize for... I didn’t think that this would be a side effect... Especially one so sudden.”
“Lemme just... think of math homework or something and I’ll...”
“No! No, that’s not healthy. Here. Let me help you...” she said with a cough.
Before Jaden could protest or ask what she meant, Fonda hefted up her shirt and bra over her heavy tits. It was then that Jaden realized that there was no padding in that bra and it was all natural. Her breasts were full and heavy. There was definite sag but that didn’t bother him in the slightest. The sheer size and weight of her boobs would have silenced even the most immature and picky men, he felt. Her nipples were big, about the thickness of his finger, and almost swollen looking. They were also a darker shade of pink. Her areolas were also decently sized, though with how big her boobs were, they looked awfully small. She was definitely bigger than Alexis.
He gulped. “Sure. What did you have in mind?”
Fonda gently nudged him further into the bed as she pulled off the sheets and pulled off his boxers. His cock, harder than it had ever been in his life, thwapped out and stood straight to the heavens. Swallowing, she sat next to him and pulled his head onto her lap. Her soft, luscious breast landed atop his face. Its warmth and comforting weight was immense and Jaden felt his head spinning long before he was touched. Instinct took over and he latched his lips onto her large nipple. A moan escaped the older woman as he suckled and licked her nub. Not wanting to be left behind, she gripped his cock and quickly pumped her hand up and down. He was already leaking plenty of precum. Each stroke smeared the slick juice across his massive shaft.
“I’ve seen plenty of phalluses during my time as a nurse, Jaden,” she cooed with a gentle squeeze at the base of his dick. “But nothing as impressive as this...”
Jaden simply responded with a grope of her other tit. He pinched the nub and tugged it and forced a moan out of the woman. His tongue lashed across the nipple in his mouth in between a few hard, needy sucks.
“such a virile young man... I should be promoting safe sex...” she moaned. “But I know you’re... trying to do the opposite. Naughty boy. Trying to impregnate as many women as possible... I won’t stop you. Just try to be safe and encourage your girls to be safe as well.”
“Mmmmhm,” Jaden hummed. Vibrations ran along her nipple and up her breast which made her moan out once again. Then, the unexpected happened. A sweet, creaminess splashed into his hungry mouth. An all too familiar creamy flavour that he had been craving more of since drinking that concoction. Then it clicked. With a lewd, wet ‘pop’, he pulled away. “Was.... Did you give me your milk?”
Fonda blushed. “I... Yes. It’s full of nutrients and is healthier than cow’s milk... S-so...”
He shot her a look before tugging on her other nipple. Milk sprayed from the abused nipple and coated his hand with the creamy substance. “Naughty girl.”
Yubel fluttered towards that side of the bed and chuckled. “You have a real pervert for a teacher, Jaden. You should teach her what happens to naughty, perverted women.”
The brunet grinned as he pulled himself free from the teacher and shoved her onto her back. Then he pulled out the tube attached to his hand that somewhat restricted his movement. Her tits slapped against each other and bounced obscenely from the suddeness of it all. Licking his hips, Jaden sat on top of Fonda and slapped his gigantic dick between her milky tits. Milk dribbled from her nipples and rolled down her milky white skin in pearl like drops. He mashed his hands into the wobbling flesh and groped them roughly. The woman groaned in slight discomfort as her breasts were manhandled. Every squeeze and grope sent a rush of milk to gush from her nipples. He dragged his skilled fingers along the base of her meaty tits and pulled forward. More and more milk rushed from her breast. A sweetness hung in the air the more Jaden played with her boobs.
Hungry for more, he dipped down, squished her tits together and captured both nipples into his mouth and suckled them. His hips snapped forward and fucked the deep cleavage. A long, drawn out moan escaped him as he continued to drink.
Fonda writhed atop the crinkly bed. Pure arousal had been pumping through her body since Kylie and Alyssa had brought their paramour to the nurse’s office in a panic. Seeing him in just a shirt and boxers while they were dishevelled painted a very detailed picture of what was going on. She had also heard strange and extremely loud noises coming from a few of her girls’ rooms and he was seen leaving afterwards each time.
It was something that shouldn’t have affected her as much as it did. She knew why it did. It was simple. She was sexually frustrated. It had been months, maybe a year, since she had sex. Fonda masturbated but fingers and toys weren’t enough anymore. She needed a real cock or at least be in a position where she was at complete mercy of someone else.
Right now... she had two of those things.
Jaden fucked her tits with the ferocity that only a young man could. She squirmed. Oh, if only his cock was inside her pussy! She was sure she had a toy the size of Jaden’s cock but she could only really ever take it whenever she was horny and feeling particiularly masochistic. She swallowed. Would he force her to take such a big dick? Was he a gentle lover when it came to actual sex? Or would he be as rough as he was with her tits?
All those thoughts came to a screeching halt once she felt cum splash across her face. A thick, heavy load practically painted her beautiful features. The furthest most shot had landed in her hair and glazed the long bang that hung in front of her face. She gasped as a particularly heavy glob landed on her eyelid and open mouth. How was his cum still this big? She had no idea how many loads he blew before visiting the nurse office... but if he blacked out then...
More cum pooled across her already milky coloured chest as Jaden sighed in content. A thick pearl necklace was drawn across Fonda’s swan-like neck and rolled down her flawless skin in rivulets.
Before she could ask how he was, he flipped her over. Her fat, messy tits squished into the thin mattress as her wide, child-birthing hips were pulled upwards. She was the definition of face down, ass up at the moment. Jaden’s hands squeezed her luscious cheeks.
“Completely stacked up and downstairs, you’re incredible, Ms. Fontaine!” Jaden said with a swat. His hand smacked against her phat ass. The fleshy CRACK echoed in the examination room. She wasn’t sure what hurt more, the actual spank or the noise it made even through her clothes! Then, he flipped her coat and skirt over before tugging her high-cut panties down to her knees. “I can see why so many guys in my class wanted you so bad. Shame none of ‘em got to fuck you! Guess I’ll have to tell ‘em all about it later...”
Fonda yelped as she felt his cock, his massive, juicy and still-hard cock, brush against her bare vulva. Her heart hammered inside her chest as it stroked her dripping cunt. It trailed along her aching slit and parted her lips with each thrust. The bulbous tip poked her stiff clit over and over again. Electricity shocked her system as her entrance was teased and her clit was assaulted. Panting, Fonda pushed herself further into the crinkly pillow and reached behind her to pull her cheeks and lips apart.
“Please! Give this naughty nurse an injection, Doctor!”
Jaden blinked then grinned. “Looks like you’ll need a shot straight to the womb to get better, I got you, Nurse Fontaine.”
Yubel snorted. “I sincerely hope you’ll never become a doctor, Jaden.”
He rolled his eyes at his lover’s remark as his smile grew even wider. He lined his cock up with her pussy and slammed forward. His cock drove itself straight into her cervix. A shockwave of pleasure and discomfort wracked Fonda’s body as she was forced to take the biggest physical cock she had ever taken. Her mature pussy wrapped around his youthful cock in a tight embrace. She clenched around him as she tried to come back down to heaven. She almost came right then and there!
“Vital signs or whatever seem stable, I will proceed with the operation,” Jaden mumbled as he stuck with the impulsive roleplay. He spanked his gym teacher once again. “Stay with me, Nurse Fontaine. We’re in for the long haul.”
Fonda moaned as she was fucked into the mattress. The creaky metal bed frame slammed into the wall numerous times within a minute. It was a breathtaking pace that Jaden had set right at the start. Friction burned throughout her curvy body. From the tip of her nose to the ends of her toes, she felt incredible. Arousal dripped from her oh-so-willing cunt and made things even easier for him. His balls smacked against her hairy muff and managed to cause juices to splash further onto the bed. Her toes curled inside the vinyl pumps she wore. Sweat dripped down her body and seeped into her work clothes as the semen on her face wiped off on the starchy sheets.
“Oooooooooooohhhh~! Jaden!!!” the woman screamed out. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as her sensitive walls were stroked and ground against. The tip of his cock continued to kiss her fertile womb. It even hit a spot deep, deep inside of her that she was lucky to hit with her longer dildos. Now here he was, hitting her sweetest of spots with zero effort! “Excellent! Amazing! Superb! Brilliant! I love your dick! I love it, I love it, I love it! A-ahhh... add me to your group of women!
“That was the... that was the plan,” he groaned out. “You’re perfect... I’ll take care of ya, Ms. Fontaine!”
“Fonda! Call meeeeee Ffffffoooooonnnndaaaaaaa~!”
“Fonda,” he muttered. He smacked her ass and watched it wobble even more as it clapped and rippled from his hips. “Fonda, Fonda, Fonda... Cum for me, Fonda.”
She whimpered as he leaned forward. His strong chest pressed itself against her back as he kissed the shell of her ear and switched from quick, long thrusts to short, shallow but incredibly harsh ones. He ground his hips against her plump ass each time he bottomed out. His head shifted across her cervix. Her eyelids fluttered as her eyes rolled into her head once again and her tongue lolled out of her mouth and dragged across the messy pillow. His arms snaked around her body. One hand massaged her tit as the other slipped between her soft thighs and toyed with her clit. Shivering, Fonda clenched around him as her orgasm was squeezed out of her. Creamy fluid gushed onto his cock and painted it a milky color.
“A creamy girl from top to bottom, huh?” Jaden rhetorically asked as he pulled out just enough that his head was still inside of her. Then, he slammed forward. His hips were now a blur behind her. Her hips clapped and wobbled madly as he fucked her into the bed. More of her long, drawn out whines and moans for more filled the room. “Its like you wanna be caught being a slut for one of your students, Fonda. How would you feel if a bunch of us guys caught you like this?”
She groaned at the thought.
“If you weren’t my woman, I’d think about letting them all get a turn at you. See which one of us gets to make these fat tits even bigger since we’ll be knocking you up.”
Her heart jumped at the thought. She had been lactating since puberty due to a hormonal abnormality. The thought of producing milk and getting even bigger because of a pregnancy, especially one caused by an unknown student made her clench.
“Hah... You like that? You wanna be a slutty teacher-nurse so bad?”
“Too bad,” he whispered before chomping her earlobe. “You’re mine. Alexis, Blair, Mindy, Jaz, and everyone else? All mine. The Supreme King doesn’t need to share with anyone else. I’ll be... I’ll be nice though. You can play with my other girls or I’ll let the other guys watch as I rail you.”
Fonda bit the pillow as she was fucked through another orgasm. She thought about being watched as she was fucked into a state like this. Whether it was his fellow male students or his other sluts, she didn’t care. She just wanted to be fucked! She wanted to be Jaden Yuki’s milk leaking slut!
Yubel bit her lip as she watched her lover lash out such filthy words and fantasies to this woman. Her walls clenched around nothing as she fought to keep her hands away from her cock or her pussy. If she missed any of this for a second, she might regret it. Arousal pumped through her dragonic body. It was like she was going to explode! Precum dripped from her cock as her pussy dripped onto the floor. Panting, she squirmed in the air as she watched the two go at it.
Jaden continued to drill into his teacher before pulling out. Fonda nearly wailed at the sensation of being empty before she felt him step on her head. She yelped in surprise as slight pressure was placed on her skull and then his cock drove into her aching cunt. His eyes glowed as power coursed through him. Pure satisfaction burned throughout his body as he balanced himself in a way that kept him from squishing her too hard as he fucked her. He didn’t know what was going on. He just knew that he needed more of this. The last time he felt like this was in the other dimension against King Brrom. That sick, twisted and almost sadistic glee. He swallowed as he kept fucking his teacher, unsure if he liked where chasing this feeling would take him... but he was interested.
Fonda cried out as she came for the third time. How was he still going?! How was he still hard?! How long until she went utterly insane? Tears pricked at her eyes as all sense practically leaked out of her ears at this point. Her body went limp. Jaden simply continued to fuck her. He peeled his foot off her head and simply humped her now flat body against the mattress.
The lewd noises of her wet cunny juices sloshing around filled the hazy air. Sex stained the sheets, the mattress and the curtains that surrounded it. Not to mention the garbled moans that the woman made as she was fucked. There was absolutely no hiding anything that would be going on.
Hopefully, no one would need her for the rest of the day. She would need at least twelve hours to recover from such an intense fuck!
After what felt like hours, Jaden shot his load straight into her hungry cunt. Semen splashed against the very back of her womb and was quickly filled to the brim. As he came, he continued to fuck her. Cum leaked from his tip and painted her twitching walls before dripping from her cunt. She squealed as she came for the dozenth time and finally blacked out.
Satisfied, for now, Jaden pulled out and smacked her ass once more. He stretched. “Jeez, she can... really take it...” he said in between heavy breaths.
Yubel floated towards him and sat on his lap as he edged towards the end of the bed. “Would it be selfish if... I asked that you treat me and the others a similar way?”
He blinked. “What? Really? You wanna be treated like that?”
She blushed. “If you don’t mind.”
Grinning, he leaned up and kissed her on her lips. “Sure. Anything for you, Yubel.”